Hi, I am Aaron Heienickle
This is my personal blog, where I write about topics I enjoy, videos I’m watching, and what I’m learning.

Recent Deep Dives from Aaron
I write on here every once in a while.
Investing like Warren Buffett
Do you think you can invest like Warren Buffet? Today, I will try me luck. I will evaluate PayPal to see if it passes my ‘Warren Buffett checklist.’ Note: While based…
The State of The Internet
We have a problem. The internet that once connected us has now trained engines working to disconnect us. Over the last 30 years , humans have successfully created over 1.5…
Construction on Mars
If humanity wants a self-sustaining colony on Mars, we must solve one interesting question. How do we build on Mars? To build something, you need two things: (1) someone…
What is True?
Two individuals believe in separate, unique truths. Person A believes in truth A. The tomato is red. Person B believes in truth B. The tomato is green. These truths are…
The Hill With a Big Tree
There once was a master and an apprentice. The master sat a top of a hill with a big tree. Being curious, the apprentice went up the hill and asked…
“The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create people who are capable of doing new things.”
Jean Piaget
Swiss Psychologist