Author: Aaron
Investing like Warren Buffett
Do you think you can invest like Warren Buffet? Today, I will try me luck. I will evaluate PayPal to see if it passes my ‘Warren Buffett checklist.’ Note: While based on real-world data from April 2024, this content is for educational purposes. Why I am evaluating PayPal: PayPal is currently a trending stock with lots…
The State of The Internet
We have a problem. The internet that once connected us has now trained engines working to disconnect us. Over the last 30 years , humans have successfully created over 1.5 billion websites (Source). While many of these sites are inactive, a great number of active sites continue to provide information, resources, and tools to the…
Construction on Mars
If humanity wants a self-sustaining colony on Mars, we must solve one interesting question. How do we build on Mars? To build something, you need two things: (1) someone or something to do the building. (2) materials/equipment to build with. On Earth, we could call up our local construction crew for a project. Get…
What is True?
Two individuals believe in separate, unique truths. Person A believes in truth A. The tomato is red. Person B believes in truth B. The tomato is green. These truths are irreconcilable. Therefore, someone must be wrong. Right? However, what they do not know is: person B is actually color-blind. Instead of seeing colors normally, person B…
The Hill With a Big Tree
There once was a master and an apprentice. The master sat a top of a hill with a big tree. Being curious, the apprentice went up the hill and asked the master, “how did you attain your great wisdom?” “Look at the tree branches swaying in the wind, but not breaking. The world tells a…